Friday, July 3, 2009

30 Secs of Tee Da Dee with Mr.Monkey

Q: Is the world a good place to be in?
A: It is the best place to be in followed by Mars, Jupiter and Uranus.

Q: Can it be made better and How?
A: Yes it can be made better by feeling better about it.

Q: A second option?
A: You can make it a better place by trying to make it a better place.

Q: What can be done?
A: Create a Revolution.

Q: Who can create a Revolution?
A: Anyone, you, me or them.

Q: How many men would it take to create a revolution?
A: One man, like the one who had accidently dropped the burning matchstick.

Q: What did the burning matchstick do?
A: It burned down the barn.

Q: So?
A: So the cattle went hungry and the land went dry and the people were left unfed and so they stormed the King's Palace.

Q: How did that make a difference to the world?
A: Storming the King's palace was an entertaining event and it became a tradition during summers in that country.

Q: And then?
A: And then storming the King's Palace became a summer tradition across the world.

Q: So that means one man can indeed make a difference to the world?
A: Yes, as long as he doesn't give a damn about making a difference to the world.

Q: Are there any other such examples?
A: The whole Human history is filled with such examples.

Q: Like?
A: Well take a guess….

Q: Thanks a lot Mr: Monkey! What are your final comments to the young generation?
A: Grow old. That’s the only way you would appreciate what it means to be young.

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